Best Gynecologist in NYC to see for Abnormal Bleeding: Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD

Doctor Steven R. Goldstein is one of the nation’s top Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Best Gynecologist in NYC to see for abnormal bleeding. He is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York School of Medicine, serves as Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at New York University Medical Center and is a past President of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. He is considered one of the nation’s top doctors in Gynecology, and is an internationally recognized expert in gynaecological ultrasound and imaging.

A frequent complaint of women visiting their gynecologist is abnormal bleeding. Unfortunately many of these women are told they need a Dilation and Curettage (D&C) to find the cause of their abnormal bleeding. A D&C involves dilation of the cervix and then scraping of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

This is a painful, costly procedure with associated   risks and requires anaesthesia. Even worse is the fact that three fourths of these operations turn up nothing and turn out to be totally unnecessary. Furthermore many women fear cancer from this abnormal bleeding.

Dr Goldstein uses painless, non-invasive transvaginal ultrasounds (Vaginal Sonograms) and Sonohysterograpy performed right in his office within a few minutes to determine the cause of any abnormal uterine bleeding.

Abnormal uterine bleeding can occur for many reasons – uterine polyps, fibroids, miscarriage, the onset of menopause, hormonal imbalances or even cancer. Using the clear, high resolution images provided by non-invasive Sonohysterography or Vaginal Sonograms, Dr Goldstein is able to isolate the cause of the abnormal uterine bleeding.

For instance, examination of the high resolution images of the uterine lining may show that the bleeding is due to a hormonal imbalance. Without progesterone, unopposed estrogen can cause heavy, spotty bleeding.

Abnormal bleeding may also occur from cancer or hyperplasia (pre cancer). Even in this case, vaginal probe ultrasounds and fluid enhanced Sonohysterography can eliminate the need for almost all diagnostic D&C’s and the pain, cost and risks associated with them.

Thus Dr Goldstein is also one of the most sought after gynecologists and the Best Gynecologist in NYC for women suffering from abnormal bleeding to see. He also screens women for ovarian and cervical cancer.

If you are a woman suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding and need to determine whether it is from a cancerous condition, or if you need ovarian and cervical cancer screening, contact Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, one of the Best Gynecologists in NYC, at his New York office for an appointment or visit

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